Monday, February 16, 2009

Smiles - So Valuable, Yet Free

"What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. They are but trifles, to be sure, but scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable." - Joseph Addison

Ironically enough, every morning when I go in to greet my waking baby, the first thing I say to him is: "Good morning sunshine!" He puts the biggest smile on my face and there is no better way to start the day. Except for waking up to my husband giving me my morning kiss good-bye, but when he does that I am still in bed and haven't really started my day. I am one lucky lady for sure.

Smiles are one of the best gifts. Everyone loves to receive them and it is great to be able to give them. There is no better feeling that making someone you love happy and smile, but it is great to make even a stranger smile. I can't think of anything else more contagious than a smile. And the best part about them is they are free.

It's crazy to what lengths I will go to to make Max smile and laugh. Admittedly, I will do just about anything to get a flash of that million dollar smile. It moves the depths of my soul. And when my husband smiles at me, I feel so complete and my heart sings.

It occured to me the other day that I see so many sad, worried, anxiety-ridden, stressed, unhappy, frightened and unloved people all over the place these days. I know how bad it is out there for so many people and I pray for them. But I also pray that we as a people will be enlightened and see what is really important in life. Sometimes, all it can take to make a person's day is just a smile.

My new life's mission is to continue to pass on the smiles.


  1. I'm with you girl!!! Turn those frowns upside down people! Thanks for the smile today E!

  2. anytime girl - and you keep the smiles shining through your that is smile inducing stuff that you do!

  3. are those his chiclets i see in that smile?
    you said it: i am learning to never withhold a smile or a nice word. people always need both.
