Saturday, April 18, 2009

Is Extaordinary Rendition Wrong?

Finally saw the movie Rendition. I have been eager to see this movie as the practice of this by our country has always astounded me. If you are not certain of what this is: Extraordinary rendition is the CIA activity of "transferring" or "flying captured terrorist suspects from one country to another for detention and interrogation" without the benefit of "formal legal proceedings."

Nice clean definition, but the bottom line is it allows the ability to torture for intelligence. We do this so we can torture possible terrorist suspects. Torture...

I don't pretend to even understand either side of this practice. I don't know what lengths I would go if my job was to safeguard the nation during these times. Post 9/11 puts you in a state of mind that naturally puts you on the defense. Where terrorism has taken on a whole new face and we as a country are finally becoming aware of the extreme lengths they will go to to wipe us out. We are finally becoming educated on this very historical and deeply ingrained mission that has many different factions.

I have also never grown up amid constant war, death, oppression and no education. Oppression is something that many of us will never understand. I pray that I will never understand it along with all the other unimaginable circumstances that come with it. When all you know is death and destruction, it's not hard to turn to a organized group that supports you and encourages you on a mission. One that gives you the hope to continue on. One that gives you even basic human needs. Just look at our prison system. I see many parallels here and we all know how successful those systems are in general. It just promotes stronger bonds, deeper illegal activities and high rates of recidivism.

So, the practice of rendition leaves me with so many questions. How can we justify this in a country that believes in laws? How can we allow this? Do we really get good intelligence with these methods? How frequently is this really occurring? Do these people ever see the light of day again? We have no control of how they are being treated and tortured once they are in the hands of other countries.

It seems to me that it would just create more enemies and make us no better than the terrorists and their practices. I realize we are dealing with a very complex enemy that wants to see us as a nation and our beliefs wiped off the face of the earth. What is so tragic and frightening is they are using God/Allah to bring the downtrodden into their realm. Giving them the beautiful teachings of His word, feeding them, giving them a sense of belonging, uniting them under one worthy cause and then slowly infiltrating their morals. It doesn't take long to convince someone they are doing the right thing.

Look how easy it is when you have your mind made up. And you are not under any kind of constant duress. Think about how you would feel if you lost someone or your entire family, your home, your everything. You would turn to the first people willing to help you and they would seem like heaven sent at that time. It's so easy to see both sides, but I still can't justify the methods and practice of this.

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