Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Slow Down!

WOW! My Pooh Bear is going to be one this week! Back in my child-free days, when all the people around me where marrying and procreating, I remember so many of them saying how fast time goes when you have kids. I had no real idea what they meant until now. These little "time yardsticks" just blow your mind.

At a certain point in life, it seems like you stop aging and growing. The mirror totally deceives you and you think you are the same age through the years beyond 20. Although I have had my moments of wearing something totally age-inappropriate and thinking I looked so hot, but soon realizing after seeing a picture: "What the hell was I thinking?" And now with Facebook all the rage, people are posting pictures that make you cringe!

But now, with my first baby turning one this week, I have come to the complete and total understanding that these little blessings make you really aware of just how fast time flies. I feel like I just had Max and I am still trying to figure out how he works. We have made real progress, but just when you think you have something nailed down, they change it up on you.

It's funny how children can be the biggest blessings and accomplishments in your life and be your biggest challenges. Being constantly aware of yourself and your actions is a big change up for me. My biggest challenge ahead is cleaning up my big ol' trucking driving mouth. It's not a good thing when your co-workers have a bet that your child's first word will be fuck. I used to laugh at this when I was pregnant. Laughter has changed to fright! As they say: "Children are natural mimics who act like their parents despite every effort to teach them good manners." ~Author Unknown

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