Thursday, February 19, 2009

Are these the cutest boys or what?

These are my little loves. Max and his cousin Stu hung out on New Years Eve this year and this was them rockin' out to some NYE show on the TV. I am certain that they partied harder than Jeff and I this year. They had a blast and Max is enamored with his big cousin Stu. He is on his every move and you can see him analyzing all the Stu does.

Stu is the sweetest pea, as he takes such good care of his little cuz and is not burdened by him like most 2 1/2 year old's would be. What's more, Stu shares his toys with Max. He got some kind of loader truck for Christmas and he left it here for Max to play with that same day. How sweet is that! I don't know any adult that would leave a brand new toy behind for someone else to play with, let alone a 3 year old.

I just had to share this pic, as I think it is so darn cute. Note: Jack the cabbage patch kid in the middle. That is one of Stu's Christmas present. He so lovingly named him after his aunt Jackie. We are always entertained by our little Stu and his little sense of humor. And now he has an equally funny sidekick. Watching these two grow up should provide much entertainment!

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing to have cousins to grow up with and be close to! : )
